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Trinity Lutheran School March Newsletter

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who helped chaperone and make our field trip to Building for Kids so successful! Everyone had a great time!


Enrollment for the 2022-2023 school is now open for all families interested in our program. There is still time to enroll; please grab an enrollment form from the office or talk to your current teacher to do so.

We currently have 14 enrolled in 4K and 6 enrolled in 3K. We are looking forward to a great school year ahead!

Easter Egg Hunt/Art Show

Save the Date for Trinity’s Easter Egg Hunt and Art Show. Join us April 10 from 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to go on an Easter Scavenger Hunt and our 2nd Annual Art Show. We hope you can join us for a little Easter fun! All are welcome, so feel free to invite neighbors, friends, cousins, etc. to join us for this event. The Egg Hunt is intended for those ages 1-12, and we ask parents to stay and join in! Please click the button below to register.

Children Sing in Church: April 10th

April 10th is also a day known as Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus entering into Jerusalem and being greeted by the people waving palm branches. Our school children have the opportunity to sing in front of our congregation on that day, and receive a palm branch to take home. Please plan on joining us for church in the morning, and enjoying our Easter Egg Hunt/Art Show event directly after.

Family Appreciation Day

As a rescheduling of Grandparents Day, we are making the last day of school, May 27th, a Family Appreciation Day! We will use the morning for some family fun, with all children being dismissed at 11:15 as scheduled. Grandparents, parents, and other family members are invited to join! More information and sign up will be coming in the future.

WAC Snacks

We are starting to run low on snacks for those students that stay after school. If interested in donating, prepackaged, nut free snacks can be placed in the office. Thank you in advance

Important Dates

March 14-18: Spring Break

March 21st: School Resumes



Emily Livieri, Early Childhood Director

Phone: 262-623-0624



Building for Kids Field Trip

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