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Trinity Lutheran School January Newsletter

Thank You

To all our families for joining us for our Christmas service. The children worked very hard and had a great time showing their skills to you. We hope you had a Merry Christmas and a good New Year!


Enrollment for the 2022-2023 school is now open for our current Trinity families. Families who complete and return enrollment forms by January 24th with be waived of the $75 registration fee. Form can be returned to the office or to current teachers.

Open House

We will be having an Open House on Monday, January 24th from 4-7pm for new families to come and visit the school, meet the teachers, and learn more about our programs. If you may know of anyone who is interested, please refer them to our website or sign up here

Refer a Family

Open enrollment for all new families begins on January 24th. We also would like to offer our families Scrip cards for referring other students to our program. Trinity families who refer another family to enroll will receive a $25 gift card! Supplies are limited. Please have the family who enrolled make a note on the enrollment form, or feel free to let us know yourself. Many of the students that we enroll here at Trinity find out about us through word of mouth and we want to say thank you to our families who continue to help us grow!

YMCA Nature Kids Program: Mammal Mania

On January 17th, someone from the YMCA will be coming for an in-school nature program. The theme for this program will be "Mammal Mania." Here is a short description of that program, "Children will see, feel, and compare fur from 10 different mammals, find out where they live, what they eat, and other fun facts."

Mrs. Krouse's Call

At the beginning of December, Mrs. Krouse received a call (a call is like a job offer from another school in our lutheran federation). Mrs. Krouse has decided to take this new call, and will be finishing the school year with us, and then beginning her new job in June.

From Mrs. Krouse:

"I have accepted a call to teach at St. Mark Lutheran School in Eau Claire for next school year. I will be at Trinity until June. I feel so blessed to have taught your children during the last four years. I pray that you and your families continue to attend Trinity as they continue to support the mission of sharing Jesus' love with our little lambs."

Updated COVID policies and procedures

As I'm sure you all are aware, COVID recommendations and policies are changing. Trinity has adapted some new procedures based on Outagamie Health Department and the CDC's new recommendations, that may look different than they did a few months ago. Please take some time to read over our updated document, and make yourself familiar with the procedures. As always, feel free to ask any questions that may arise as you read it.

Field Trip

Our second big field trip of the year will be February 23rd and we will be going to Building for Kids Children's Museum in Appleton! More details and permission slips will be going home early February.

Important Dates

January 17th: In School YMCA program

January 24th: No School; Staff Inservice (Open House in the evening)



Emily Livieri, Early Childhood Director

Phone: 262-623-0624



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