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Trinity Lutheran School October Newsletter

Thank You!

Thank you parents for a successful first few months of school. We have some really fun things coming up so be sure to check the bulletin board, your child's folders, and the forums for updates and information.

Colder Weather

As usual, Wisconsin weather is getting unpredictable. While the weather is still warm, the forecast ahead shows colder weather. Please bring appropriate outdoor wear for all kinds of weather. Children will be asked to wear some sort of sweatshirt/jacket if the temperature is 60 degrees or below.

Mulberry Lane Farms Field Trip

On October 27th, the 3K&4K classes will be taking a field trip to Mulberry Lane Farms in Hilbert, WI. While we're there, we will be able to visit the animals, take a trip to the pumpkin patch, and pick a pumpkin to take home. Permission slips for this trip will be coming home Monday October 4th. Please return this form by October 13th. We also ask that each student contribute $2 to help cover the cost for this trip. If your student only stays a half day, we will be returning at about 11:50 a.m. so please arrive at school at that time to pick up your half day student.

Square 1 Art

As you may have heard, we have an opportunity this year to work with a company called Square 1 Art. Square 1 Art is a great company that will turn some projects we have been working on at school, into great family keepsakes such as mugs, keychains, potholders, notebooks, etc. This is a great fundraising opportunity for our school, as a percentage of all purchases are donated to school! Orders will be able to be placed around October 20th, and ordering information will be sent home soon. The keepsakes will be delivered in time for Christmas, and make great gifts for grandparents, aunts and uncles, and others!

Mrs. Krouse's class is working on rainbows for their Square 1 Art project

Trunk or Treat

This year, Trinity Lutheran School will not be hosting their own trunk or treat, but instead, we encourage you to visit St. John Lutheran Church to visit their truck or treat! The event will be Saturday October 23rd from 3-5 p.m. You will even see some of your Trinity teachers participating with a trunk! A poster for the event will be placed on our bulletin board soon. St. John is located at N9125 Military Rd. Kaukauna, WI.

Door Code for October

The front door code will be changing for October, and will be in use on Monday the 4th. Please check your email for the new code. Also please note: The door code only works from 7:30-8 a.m. and will not work before or after that time.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences will be taking place the week of October 18th. Classroom teachers will be in touch about how to sign up and available times. Please reach out to your classroom teacher with any questions.

October Dress Up Days

We are hoping to do a week of dress up days in October-possibly October 11-15. Teachers are still deciding on what we want the dress up days to be, so please keep an eye out for an email about that.

This photo is from last year's dress up days-Bible Character Day!

Important Dates

October 1st: No School; Staff In-Service

October 18th-21st: Parent Teacher Conferences

October 27th: Mulberry Lane Farms Field Trip

October 28th&29th: No School; Teacher Conferences



Emily Livieri, Early Childhood Director

Phone: 262-623-0624



Photos From September


White City Park Trip

We had such a great time at our walking field trip! The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time. Thank you to all those who chaperoned and made this happen.

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